The best things in life happen when we least expect them

It's funny how quite often the best things in life happen when we least expect them. Spontaneous plans that turn out to be the best nights of your life, coincidental meetings with people who change your life a way you would never even imagine. When you lose something in your bedroom for example, you look everywhere to find it but you simply cannot see it for the life of you. Only when you stop looking do you come across it and wonder how you never found it before. There are so many moments like this in life particularly when talking about love. So many people search for love, but it rarely works that way because how can you find something when you don't even know what it is you're looking for. When you stop searching and let life do it's own thing it'll find you, however cliché that may sound. When you lose grip of the idea of this perfect guy or girl, and the idea of how romance and love should be, you'll discover your own love story unravelling around you. We're always looking forward, waiting for the next big event or next colossal moment to happen in our lives, and we forget to live in the present. If you take the step to sit back and enjoy life in the now, everything else fits in to place just how it should.
It's hit me lately just how much I believe that everything happens for a reason and that everything will always work out how its meant to. Not that I strongly believe that everything is predetermined but I think there's a fine line between fate and things happening as a result of proactivity. its the tiniest detail that is the reason we're even here today. Every little thing in the past no matter how small has led up to this very moment and when you look back at things that happened you can nearly always understand why. Why things didn't work out in that past relationship or why you didn't get that job you once wanted so badly. That's why I'm safe in the knowledge that from now on everything will happen as it should. I'm not going to sit back and do nothing letting life do it's own thing but if I don't get a job that I want or something goes wrong, I know that's just meant to be and soon enough one day ill be able to look back one day and know the reason why it never worked.
I've said before that deciding to go traveling in Europe on my own back in Easter was life changing, but it's only hit me recently how colossal the changes in my life really were. I made friends for life and got to know myself on a much deeper and more appreciated level. I also just got back from Canada last Sunday! It's all go at the minute but I never would have gone if I hadn't gone traveling because I was visiting one of my best friends I met while in Italy. The Canadian version of me you could call her, and I had such an incredible time over there and it was such a good experience. Quite often when I go away I really struggle with the thought of leaving and coming home back to the little ol' town I live in. Yet this time after my time away alone I knew that I would be fine. That it didn't matter where I was because life is about the unexpected and I didn't need that special someone to come home to. I'm not one of these people who depend solely on their relationship for happiness, I'm simply just too independent for that. Happiness, or rather fulfillment stems from the inside. Gained through self respect and love and having a high appreciation of yourself, which in my opinion you can only truly gain through solitude.
So I stopped looking for this idea of love, up and left to go traveling on my own and got to know myself and what I want so much better. I let go of that searching that was weighing me down, and when I stopped looking, life found a way to bring it to me. I also know that if someone had told me 6 months ago how my life would be now I certainly wouldn't have believed them. So much has changed and in such a short period of time. You never know what's right around the corner, but I think that's part of the excitement in life. Can you imagine if we knew everything that was going to happen in our lives for the next few years... would be pretty boring really wouldn't it?
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